Film, Serious Film


Last night I was privileged to view a screening of Hector And The Search For Happiness on a rooftop restaurant / lounge in Beverly Hills hosted by Relativity Media and the director Peter Chelsom.

Unfortunately, it’s not every day that I am invited to this level of gathering so I was quite happy to be there.  I was of course on my best behavior even though their sponsor, Absolute – poured out free and delicious Mojito-esque drinks throughout the evening.

As the sun was setting over the Hollywood Hills below and the hostess began to introduce the film – it dawned on me that I was surrounded by people that were as serious as film as I was – and that was a really, really cool and wonderful realization.  You could hear a pin drop.

I spotted a couple of famous actors in attendance with their significant others (under the radar if you will) and could just sense and feel their concentration, attention and respect for what was about to happen.  I say “What was about to happen” because if felt just like that – a happening.  Not a mere movie preview or film screening, but an unveiling of possibly years of blood, sweat and tears on the part of the filmmakers and producers.  Yes.  The people that were gathered on that rooftop, huddled together around the pool on that cool summer evening were serious as a mofo.  This is what they do.  This is why they live and breathe – and this is what they think about all day every day.

After this uplifting, fun and thought provoking film finished.  There was a Q&A with director Peter Chelsom.  He spoke about some of the production and inspirational aspects involved in making the film.  I could hear in his voice how paternally he cared for his creation, how much thought and loving care went into both the screenplay and the themes running through it – and how much attention to detail was put into directing his actors as real characters in surreal situations rather than the alternative.

Wow – wish I could sit with these guys every evening.

I made a deal with myself.  I will no longer second guess my dedication and talents.  I will only include and surround myself  with those crew and cast that are committed above and beyond as those here tonight.  Most importantly – to emit a radiance of serious love, concentrated, filmic enthusiasm and intense passion to all sets that I ever step my foot onto so long as I shall live.

‘Cause it’s definitely and defiantly NOT “Just a movie”.


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(Hector was adapted from the book by François Lelord and opens September 19, 2014).